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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

(0) How to Get Sh*t Done -Preface

I just got off the phone with one of the top fitness mentors in the country.
After about 5 minutes of me telling him my idea to give my book away to my clients and blog followers. he took about two seconds to tell me, "that kicks ass".

See I can be like the greedy asses out there and sell this thing for 19.95 all over the world, (oh and by the way, to my new followers from Germany and Slovenia, Welcome to the blog, hope you love it!) 
I am going to give it away. I believe that the true success in my life is the relationships I build with others and how many lives I can have a positive effect on. I believe that dishing out as much good to the world as it can take has gotten me to where I am today. 

So without further philosophy lecture from me, here are the first 2 chapters of the book


The Ultimate Guide to Getting Sh*t Done

A Crash-Course in
Getting Your Shit Together, and
Building a badass body while doing it.

By Jeff Jucha CPT

Great Moments are born of great opportunities. That is what you have here at your hands.

About This Book

When reading this book, think of it like a face-to face conversation with a friend. We both have a drink in our
hand, at an empty bar, and we're talking
about how to become healthier and happier.

This book is a collection of ideas based on my life
experiences, those of my clients over the years, and from 
my conversations with mentors and friends. You can
read straight through if you like, or skip around to the
sections you think will be helpful.

You'll find a lot of things here that will work
spectacularly well for you. Other things won't do much.

The only thing I ask of you is this: try some of the
things I recommend even if they seem too simple, too hard,
or too ridiculous. You may find you "know" a few things I
cover in this book. But chances are you're not doing much
with that knowledge. I want to help fix that.
You get out what you put in. So don't slack.

This is me uncensored. This is advice I give to close friends. This is stuff I do that works for me and hundreds of people just like you that I've helped over the years. I'm positive at least some of it will work for you, too.
Thanks for being here.

You Are Going to Die
How's that for a cheery way to start?
But it's true. You are going to die.
So am I. So is Lady Gaga, Bill Clinton, LeBron James,
and every one you've ever heard of or ever seen.
Everybody is going to die.
Most of us are already at least a quarter of the way
through our lives. And if we're lucky, we've got another 50- 75 years to live.

That scares most people.
    It shouldn't.

It should be liberating. Knowing you’re going to die
someday gives you a deadline. (Sorry, but that was amusing to me.) You can do whatever you want, and you can start right now. In fact, every day you don't do what you want is another day that's gone forever.
Disappeared. Never gonna happen again. Finito.
Remember: You are going to die.

Memento Mori – Keep
Track of Your Life
Use a Memento Mori chart."

Memento Mori is Latin for "Remember your mortality."
Here's how it was explained it to me:

"Since I was about eighteen years old I have been
maintaining a tally on this piece of paper. It's 52 blocks
wide and 80 blocks tall. On the top left corner is my
birthdate, and on the bottom right is the same date, 80
years later. Every week I mark off a block.

I don't write anything or make any kind of notes. I
just black it out. The only thing left is the memories I have of that week and reality of how it has affected my
life. In the end, the only things any of us have are our actions and our memories.

Doing this keeps my life in perspective. Each time I fill
in a block I briefly consider what I did with that week.
Sometimes I do so with a feeling of satisfaction. I want
mine to be a life well lived. Other times I look back and
realize that I frittered away most of my time on things
that didn't really further my life, Like buying a new TV
or trading my old car that was just fine for some new
fancy thing that got me from a to be just like the last one
these didn't make for any remarkable experiences, and
didn't really make me happy.
I don't think that it would be possible to maintain a list like this and work in a cubicle for twenty years. Or even twenty months. Imagine that: 80 blocks filled in with no memories other than a gray wall and the occasional lunch at Applebee’s.
In fact, most people probably wouldn't want to do
something like this at all. It would be too uncomfortable. Self-awareness is a pain in the ass when there are so many entertaining reality shows on cable. And excuses are easy. You probably get used to the blinders after a while and eventually don't even know what you're missing.

This weekend I filled in the 25th row on my sheet. The
last block in a row always leads me to do some self-assessing.
Am I happy with what I've been doing with my
life? Have I been wasting time? Why? Where could I be
right now if I hadn't?

That's heavy stuff. And it's great practice.

Mori sheet. You can print it off from your home computer. If you want it to be something that you won’ forget about or lose track of, then do what I did and buy a poster board and make it yourself and hang it up in your office or bedroom. 

Fill it out up to the past week.
Look at all the black space. Then look at the amount of
white space left.
Keep your sheet somewhere you can access it easily.
Look at it every time you need a kick in the ass.

Join the Living

We're not dead yet, so we can't go feeling sorry for ourselves. We have a real opportunity to do fun things, help other people, and live a worthwhile life. We have a chance to build a legacy that will carry on after we die.

Are you going to squander that responsibility or waste time talking about all the shit you should have done?
Are you really going to stay pissed off over stupid
arguments or minor daily inconveniences?

Are you really going to sit on the couch, eat Cheetos and watch TV all day?
Get your ass up and join the living.

Try to make something out of your short life before it is too late, and trust me, through historical proof, it will one day be too late.

Get  it Done:
Do the following things:
-Make or download a memento mori chart and get to work on it. 
-Look at the black and then the, start thinking about some of the things you want to do in life. Write them down on a sheet of paper and keep it near your chart.
- Check in tomorrow on the blog for the next chapter of the book.

Peace out,
Jeff Jucha
Head Trainer - Little Rock Fit


  1. I really like what I have read so far! It seems like your book is more than just an instructional manual for getting a great body. I really like how the first few chapters seem to provide inspiration that people need to get moving and start paying attention to their health. This attitude will definitely help in many aspects of life....I'm diggin it!

  2. Awesome job on the site! You're gonna go far! :)
